Networking Skills Workshop Recap

March 14, 2024 

Apt CoWork at Savoye, Dallas, TX and Apt CoWork at Cottonwood Ridgeview Plano, TX

As part of our personal development series, we’ve hosted a series of Networking Skills Workshops on March 13, 2024 and April 12th, 2024. Kevin D Williams, communications coach at Team Vision LLC and author of Unlocking Opportunities: The Ultimate Guide to Excelling at Networking Events and Crafting the Perfect Elevator Pitch, provided expert insights into networking skills, perfecting your elevator pitch, and even a couple tidbits on how to take professional headshots.

For those who weren’t able to attend, here are five expert tips from the session:

For your Professional Headshot:

  1. Choose a neutral background: When getting a professional headshot, make sure the background is neutral and not distracting. This will ensure that the focus remains on you.
  2. Dress professionally: Wear attire that reflects your professional image and aligns with your industry. Avoid busy patterns and opt for solid colors that complement your skin tone.

For those who are Networking:

  1. Practice brevity: Your elevator pitch should be concise and to the point. Focus on key highlights about yourself or your business that are relevant to the listener.
  2. Be authentic: Networking is about building genuine connections. Be yourself, and focus on understanding the other person’s needs and how you can potentially contribute.
  3. Follow up: After a networking event, don’t forget to follow up with new contacts. Send a personalized message expressing your appreciation for the connection and suggesting a next step, such as a meeting or further discussion.

If you’re interested in perfecting your communication and networking skills, Kevin’s book Unlocking Opportunities: The Ultimate Guide to Excelling at Networking Events and Crafting the Perfect Elevator Pitch is available for download or purchase on Amazon!

Networking Skills Workshop Gallery

March 13th, 2024: Apt CoWork at Savoye

April 10th, 2024: Apt CoWork at Cottonwood Ridgeview