Networking Skills Workshop Recap

March 14, 2024 

Apt CoWork at Savoye, Dallas, TX and Apt CoWork at Cottonwood Ridgeview Plano, TX

As part of our personal development series, we’ve hosted a series of Networking Skills Workshops. Kevin D Williams, communications coach at Team Vision LLC and author of Unlocking Opportunities: The Ultimate Guide to Excelling at Networking Events and Crafting the Perfect Elevator Pitch, provided expert insights into networking skills, perfecting your elevator pitch, and even a couple tidbits on how to take professional headshots.

For those who weren’t able to attend, here are five expert tips from the session:

For your Professional Headshot:

  1. Choose a neutral background: When getting a professional headshot, make sure the background is neutral and not distracting. This will ensure that the focus remains on you.
  2. Dress professionally: Wear attire that reflects your professional image and aligns with your industry. Avoid busy patterns and opt for solid colors that complement your skin tone.

For those who are Networking:

  1. Practice brevity: Your elevator pitch should be concise and to the point. Focus on key highlights about yourself or your business that are relevant to the listener.
  2. Be authentic: Networking is about building genuine connections. Be yourself, and focus on understanding the other person’s needs and how you can potentially contribute.
  3. Follow up: After a networking event, don’t forget to follow up with new contacts. Send a personalized message expressing your appreciation for the connection and suggesting a next step, such as a meeting or further discussion.

If you’re interested in perfecting your communication and networking skills, Kevin’s book Unlocking Opportunities: The Ultimate Guide to Excelling at Networking Events and Crafting the Perfect Elevator Pitch is available for download or purchase on Amazon!

Networking Skills Workshop Gallery

Apt CoWork at Savoye

Apt CoWork at Cottonwood Ridgeview

Apt CoWork at Stonebriar of Frisco