Apt CoWork’s First Ever Member of the Month | Carlos Roman, Financial Coach

July 18, 2023 

Introducing Carlos Roman – Apt CoWork’s First Member of the Month!

We at Apt CoWork love all of our members, but this month we would like to recognize one special member who has been with us from the beginning. A father, financial coach, and collector, Carlos Roman is our first ever Apt CoWork Member of the Month!  

Who is Carlos Roman?  

Carlos was born in Puerto Rico in 1981. He started a job working for Foot Locker in his late teens and was quickly promoted to district manager and relocated to West Palm Beach, Florida where he later started his career as a financial coach! Carlos is the father of three daughters and two sons, his oldest daughter just graduated high school this past week in the top five percent of students in Puerto Rico and is now working towards her goal of becoming a doctor. When he isn’t working long hours as a financial coach, Carlos loves to spend time with his family, visiting Puerto Rico with his wife, and watching his kids play basketball. He is also a big fan of collectable items, in particular his collection of BMW M series cars including a now-classic 2001 BMW M3!  

Why did Carlos Get into Financial Services 

When he was eighteen years old, Carlos was burdened with a large amount of financial debt after the passing of his mother. After receiving well-intended but inaccurate financial advice from a coworker, he was led to believe that he did not need to pay on the debts left to him. By the time he was twenty-one years old, Carlos found himself in a tough situation as the government started to garnish 300 dollars a week from each of his paychecks from Foot Locker. He fought the garnishments in court, resulting in more losses from his paychecks that were necessary for legal fees. Through this hardship, Carlos realized that he and many others were facing the same issue, money problems due to a lack of financial education. This experience as a young man led Carlos to seek financial education and ways to help himself and others truly understand money. He obtained certifications throughout the United States that allowed him to practice financial coaching in a variety of subjects including professional and personal finance. He and his wife then started the company that is now known as Roman Financial Services!  

What is Roman Financial Services?  

Roman Financial Services is a financial services company that can help you set achievable monetary goals, customize investment strategies, and keep you accountable to yourself and your financial health. Carlos’ mission with Roman Financial Services is to provide financial education to those that need it and adapt people’s financial strategies to ones that will prolong their personal or entrepreneurial wealth long after they choose to retire. He believes that a lack of financial education is the biggest reason that 78% of Americans struggle with financial freedom and that by helping people understand the way that modern money works, he can alleviate the issue and help people to avoid the financial struggles that he himself had as a young adult.  

How can I meet Carlos?  

If you would like to discuss your financial situation with Carlos, visit the Roman Financial Services Contact Us page. Additionally, keep an eye on Carlos’ upcoming events and seminars! Roman Financial Services holds intimate seminars at Apt CoWork at Cottonwood West Palm, where he speaks about his reasons for becoming a financial coach, provides education on modern money and financial management, and answers questions from his incredible audiences. His events are energetic, intimate, and incredibly informative, as you can see from this video of his previous seminar!  

If a trip to West Palm Beach isn’t in your future, Carlos is offering a virtual Finance Master Class only $49.00! With new videos monthly, this master class will end with a total of thirty videos covering all topics related to personal finance. Sign up today!  

Tips from Carlos  

The biggest thing that Carlos emphasizes is that “knowing about money has the same value as the air you breathe”. Having a relationship with personal finance is essential to not just present-day wealth but to maintaining wealth into the future and retirement. Obtaining financial freedom does not look the same today as it did eighty or even twenty years ago, and Carlos seeks to make people aware of this and gain financial freedom for themselves.  

Congratulations to Carlos Roman, our Apt CoWork Member of the Month! If you’d like to be in the running for our next Member of the Month or join the Apt CoWork community, shoot us a text at 385-213-2070 or chat in at aptcowork.com!